Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Just an Update

Well. Life has been crazy lately.

Ben is in the last week of Kickstarter project for a book on a programming language that he's writing. It's been really exciting to see how successful it's been. Now he just has to finish the book and hopefully people will continue to buy it even after the Kickstarter finishes.

On top of writing a book, Ben is also working full time at TestOut, going to school part time, working on contract work for Kynetx (the company he previously worked for) still and another contract job with GameMaker. He's also started working out again, now that one of his friends is up here in Orem to go with. On top of all of that, he is continuing to work on his YouTube channel doing GameMaker tutorials (the main reason for our Kickstarter success) and working on his game Grain War. He is crazy busy at the moment.

I have started my new semester and I'm really enjoying it. It's SO much better than last semester. I am taking 15 credits, 9 of which are online. I am also doing a credit of research assisting to finish off my capstone and taking a D&C class through the Orem Institute for BYU credit to get my final religion credit out of the way. I like all of my classes a lot so far and the teachers all seem really willing to work with my pregnancy and soon-to-be-here baby.

I also am a TA (teacher's assistant), which is about 5 to 10 hours a week, but I get paid for it. The teacher I am doing it for doesn't mind that I'm having a baby in a month and seems really chill with things. I love that teacher and the class, though, and am really excited to be doing it.

I have taken a break from dancing, since it's pretty dangerous to do those kinds of things this late in pregnancy. I really miss it and am hoping to go back in January. I am still teaching, though, and love that. I love all my students so much and am really excited to be able to teach them hardshoe; I've only ever taught advanced hardshoe, so beginner is a new experience for me and I'm really excited for it.

Ben and I were laughing, with how busy we are, that we are adding a baby to all of it soon. We are really excited for that, though, even though we know it will be a transition for us. Life has been going really well for us and we're very grateful.

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