Saturday, November 5, 2011

My Grudge Against Texting

Texting is .. not my favorite. Except with certain people. I won't deny it's convenient and I will admit I've gotten many texts that have made me smile or even laugh to myself.
Most of the time, though, it's just annoying.
Here's what I have against texting ...

1. Most people are annoying texters. Especially one word answers like haha.
2. Guys should not use lol a ton. And they do. And that bothers me.
3. If you want to explain something or tell a story, you can't. At least not fully. Or it turns into a ten texts instead of one.
4. Sarcasm doesn't work.
5. Enthusiasm seems overdone a lot of the time, but if you were talking to them in person, it probably wouldn't.
6. I always forget to answer people back. And then I seem rude.
7. People use their phones way too much, at times when it simply isn't appropriate. Is it really that hard to go for ten minutes without texting? Apparently for some it is.
8. Sometimes, in a conversation, it's better to say nothing. While texting, that's impossible.
9. People don't sound like themselves. It irks me.
10. Texting simply isn't as good as just hanging out with someone. And that's a fact.

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