I know everyone says this about their own mother, but I honestly think that when I say it about mine, it's true. My mom is the best in the world. I owe her my life, in more than simply her giving birth to me. Every day of my life, she taught me what kind of woman I needed to be, even when perhaps neither of us knew it.
As many of you know, my mom is a single mom. She raised three kids on her own, while working full time. Hard? Uh, yeah. It was not easy for her to find time to do everything she wanted, much less the energy. There were years when, in addition to everything she was doing, she also went back to school to get her Master's degree. However, the fact that it was such a hard situation is one of the reasons she has become such a hero to me. Being a single mom wasn't (and I'm sure, still isn't) the easiest thing, but during the course of my lifetime, she sure did teach me a lot by example
She taught me the importance of homemaking. This may seem like a silly, rather unimportant thing, but it's not. I watched my whole life as my mom made sure, even when our circumstances were hard, that the place we were living was comfortable and beautiful. She took nothing, literally nothing, and always transformed it into something amazing. She worked hard to get a better degree so that she could save up enough to buy a house and now, looking around our beautiful home, you would never guess what it looked like ten years ago. Our environment is really important to the way we act and feel and so my mom made sure that our family's environment was the best it could be.
She taught me the importance of plain old being a mother. To her, being a mom always came first. Even in choosing a job, she looked at how it would affect the time she spent with her kids. I still remember in elementary school, there was an assembly for reflections or something where I would be getting an award. I wanted my mom to be there so badly, but she had to work. Somehow, though, she made it there. I will never forget how happy I was when I went up to get my award and I saw my mom, standing there in the back. That's how it's always been--it doesn't matter what else is going on in her life, she makes sure to stay a mom first and foremost.
She taught me the importance of education. She got her degree, even after she was married, and then went on to get a Master's. And she's a teacher. I grew up knowing that education was important, even when I may not have worked my hardest on my homework. Ahem. She was patient with me, though, and always encouraged me.
She taught me not to settle for less when it comes to dating. She's had quite a few opportunities to do so. I know it's hard for her, being alone. She has us kids, of course, and a whole load of other people who love her. But sometimes, I know she gets lonely and it breaks my heart. I pray everyday for her to find someone who can make her happy forever. In the meantime, though, there are a lot of weirdo's to sort through. She taught me that when it comes to forever, yes, you can and should be picky.
Perhaps one of the most important things she taught me was the importance of the Gospel. I feel just like the stripling warriors at times, never doubting that my mother has testimony. There really was never a time in my life when I had to stop and think, does she believe the Gospel is true? It was obvious she did, and she did her very best to make sure her kids came to that same knowledge. Our home has always been filled with the things of the Gospel and the Spirit. She taught me that we need to do the little things to stay strong in your testimony. We never left the house without family prayer in the morning, even if it was said in the car. We never missed church, even when one of us was sick. She had to stay home with the ill child, of course, but the other two kids were sent with my grandparents until we were old enough to go by ourselves. Even things as small as watching General Conference on Saturday as well as Sunday or staying in our church clothes all day, helped show me how strong my mom's testimony is.
My favorite thing she taught me over the years is how much she loves me. My mom loves me. I love knowing that, especially while I'm away at college. She has always been there for me, even when I push her away. She lets me know when she's proud of me. She supports me in everything I do in life. She brags about me (which is a little embarrassing, but it's fine). She makes sure I don't starve at college. She talks to me about everything, from serious to silly things. She is the perfect best friend.
I love my mom.