Sunday, January 22, 2012

Remember David Won

I have had a lot on my mind lately. My life is going really well right now, but I feel like I need to better as a person. I have so much to work on that sometimes, it gets a little overwhelming. It's easy to see your own imperfections. This is something that I've always struggled with; I think most girls do. There's so many roles girls are supposed to fill in this society, it's impossible to do it all perfectly. A lot of times, I feel stretched thin and yet, at the same time, I know that I'm not doing nearly enough.

This weekend was really good for me. I was talking with one of my friends about a lot of stuff and it helped me really take a look at my life. I am doing alright, don't get me wrong, but it motivated me to start looking a lot more at what I can do to be a better person. I haven't really felt motivated for a long time, since Jeremy left actually. Even doing homework has been hard for me this semester. But this weekend helped. Also, church was a wonderful ending to my re-motivation. I know it's a little late for new year's resolutions, but that's kind of what these are. This is what I really am going to improve on this year.

I need to serve more. This is the biggest thing I'm focusing on in my life right now and it has been for a while. The last few months, I feel like every lesson I have is telling me to serve more, to look for ways to make other people's lives better rather than focusing on myself. It's hard. This weekend, I was able to set more concrete goals regarding service. I think that will help.

I need to ponder. My life isn't as hectic as it was in high school, but I waste so much time on Facebook and the internet and things. If I'm not wasting my time, I'm thinking about things, such as homework or dance. I decided today that I need to turn off my music sometimes when I'm driving to and from dance, to give myself quiet time. Also, I am going to ponder more with my prayers and scripture study. That's something I definitely can do better with.

I need to work harder on my talents. I haven't done a terrible job so far, but there's so much more I could have done. I've had time that I've simply wasted. Every once in a while, it's okay to relax and play, but I need to keep to my daily schedule more so that I can improve on things, especially dance and writing. I need to practice dance and write everyday, no excuses. I feel like I could do so much more with my writing, especially to help others. This goes back to my first goal. I want to help others and if I can do that through writing, then I should. I can't be lazy anymore.

I need to be better with studying my scriptures. This one is also another thing I've always struggled with. It got a lot better during high school, but I don't spend nearly enough time with scriptures. I think I need to set a time during the day, instead of simply saying I will read a chapter a day. I also need to connect pondering with this one, as well as have a journal to take notes in as I study.

I know I might not be able to do this all right away. In fact, I'm expecting that I won't. But I am going to try anyways. I really want to become a better person, because I know that I can and should be that kind of person. And I know that the Lord will help me get there. He's so patient; I think that's one of my favorite parts of the gospel.

In Relief Society, they ended with a quote I really liked. They were talking about how in our lives, sometimes our troubles feel huge, and we can feel like David as he fought Goliath. But, they concluded, remember David won.

Remember, David won.

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