I really like this quote. These past few weeks have been really hard for me. I've been missing a lot of things and people, which makes me ... not the happiest person. This week Jeremy left to Finland. I know it shouldn't matter, but just thinking that he's in Finland now makes me miss him a lot. It doesn't help that Ben is so far away and I miss him like crazy. And that I can't dance right now. That's basically killing me. I can literally feel the difference not being able to dance has on my life. I've gone longer (like when I had my stress fracture) but it was summer then and I didn't have to be at the studio three times a week. I also didn't appreciate dance as much back then. This is a good reminder to always be grateful for dance. I also have been missing being at home lately. I don't know why, maybe because of the other things in my life right now.
But I've been thinking about it a lot, because I want to be happy with my life. I know that I'm one of the luckiest girls in the entire world. My life is about as perfect as it could be. My emotions just don't always remember that. This quote has helped with that a lot. This time last year, I would have given anything to be out of high school, with Ben, in college, and teaching dance. This is exactly how I wanted things to be. I need to remember that my Heavenly Father has blessed me with so many wonderful things. Because he truly has.
Some things that I am grateful for today ...
Warm weather.
Getting to talk to Jeremy for a couple of minutes on Monday. Best blessing ever.
Getting to see Ben on Wednesday.
My mom's banana bread.
Pictures and memories.
Dance. I have never been more grateful for dance in my life than I am right now.
Dishes that are done.
That I have things to look forward to.
Funny TV shows.
My family and home. And being able to go there so often.
College. I really do like it, a lot.
The Gospel. I feel so lucky to have a testimony of my Heavenly Father's love for me and so blessed to be able to know that no matter what else is going on in my life, He will be there for me and take care of me, because He loves me and knows what's best for me. There's something comforting in the knowledge that someone who loves you is looking out for you, especially when times get hard.
I know that my 'trials' right now aren't as bad as pretty much everyone around me. Even though I feel like they're hard, I know that I'm blessed and loved and that I have a lot to be grateful for.
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