Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sometimes, science should just die ...

So, I just sat and worked on science pretty much all day. And now my brain is fried and I feel like I don't understand a single thing we've learned since our first test. Needless to say, my feelings are not very nice towards science at the moment.
Don't get me wrong. I love my science class. I have the best friend ever in that class. She makes my week every time I'm with her. Also, my teacher is super funny. Everyday he comes into class and says "Welcome to Physical Science 1000," before starting his lectures. His lectures wouldn't be very interesting except for the fact that he randomly sings songs, picks certain words to say really loud, says sauce pan in an unusual way, and gets very excited about science stuff. He's my favorite; I want to meet his wife.
However, I'm really struggling with interest at this point. The first section, I did great. I was able to understand everything he talked about in class, I worked on the reading and homework everyday, and I actually did really well on the test. It surprised me because I expected science to be my least favorite class when I signed up for it. I'm not a science girl.
Well, now I'm thinking that again. I am so worried because this section seemed really short and we turn in our homework and take our test this next week. I feel terribly unprepared, not because I haven't read or gone to class (since I have), but because I haven't understood it at all. Half the time, I didn't even know what his lecture was supposedly on.
So, we'll see how this goes. Unless science dies first.


  1. What is the professor's name? Bill? I think I had him

  2. Um Dr. Benson? I don't know if his name is Bill haha but I don't think so, that would be funny if you had him :)

  3. Nope, I guess it was a different dude
