I've been toying around lately with the idea of starting a more serious blog. I love blogging--writing blogs, reading blogs, just the idea of blogs--and I really enjoy having this blog (even if I've been less than faithful to it lately). But this blog is more like my journal.
This supposed blog would lean more towards serious topics, avoiding my life updates and random thoughts. I would want to research and discuss my views on both some of the more debated topics in the news and some of the "hot topics" we discuss in my classes.
I had pretty much decided I was going to do this, but today while I was on Facebook, I came across an article someone shared. The topic was a controversial one and the comments were ... well, they started off friendly but the discussion got heated. The thing that bothered me the most about it though, was how riled up I got just reading through the comments.
I want to do this blog. I think it would be really interesting for me to learn about all the different topics more in depth and it would help force me to keep up to date on the issues that are in our world. I know it would be good practice for my writing and it would help me build a good portfolio to show off my work. It would be a great growing opportunity for me.
However, I guess my brief Facebook experience today rattled me. I don't want to start arguments on my blog and I don't want to hurt feelings. I know it's silly and that you can't please everyone. I have lots of opinions on controversial topics, but I normally stay quiet about them online--especially on Facebook. My new blog wouldn't be all controversy, but I would want to discuss some topics that easily bring out disagreements and heated discussions.
I guess we'll see what happens. Even if I did decide to start this new blog, I'd have to come up with a name for it first.
And that could take ages.
I love the idea of a current events discussion blog. And I promise to be open minded and kind when I comment on the blog! I think you can have a friendly debate about controversial topics, with the intention of sharing perspectives, not trying to change minds.