Friday, April 4, 2014

My life now revolves around pregnancy.

So I basically haven't done a post in, oh, forever. Sorry about that. The reason is mostly that my life since my last post has revolved around my being pregnant and since we hadn't gone public with that little tidbit until this past week, I didn't really feel like I had very much to write. The other reason is that I've been feeling morning sickness HARD and haven't felt like doing anything at all.

But today I woke up and for the first time in almost three months I felt ... not sick at all. Energized. Like I wanted to get up and do STUFF. It was a great feeling.

And so here I am, writing a blog post. It feels great.

I don't have a ton to tell. Besides the whole finding out I was pregnant thing, not tons has happened to me.

I am almost finished with the semester. Thank goodness. It's been really hard to go to class when I was feeling sick. Which was every day. But somehow, thankfully, I am pulling pretty good grades this semester.

I am so excited to be pregnant, but it honestly has been really hard so far. I have felt sick for so long that I am just tired of feeling like that.

I am hungry all the time, but it's hard to find food that doesn't make me feel sick. I will find a food that I really like and I'll like it for three to seven days and then one day, when I go to eat it, it is so gross to me. Sometimes I can't stop thinking about food or see something that looks SO good. Then I try to eat it and I can't finish it.

My last appointment that I went into, I wasn't getting enough calories. That's what Ben and I have focused on since then--getting food into me. Health and price (as much as Ben and I can afford) have gone out the window. As long as I can eat it, we go with it. I get a little embarrassed with my diet. Right now, I love turkey sandwiches with provolone cheese, captain crunch cereal, gogurts, fresh broccoli, and apples. Every week it feels like I have an entirely new diet. Since I've been pregnant, I've also been craving Twinkies, but Ben won't ever let me get one.

I've also had some problem with heartburn (which could be due to the amount of processed food/sugar I eat some days) and sometimes cramps that feel suspiciously like period cramps (which, by the way, I feel is entirely unfair).

Today has gotten me hoping that I am on my way out of this phase of pregnancy. That would be so nice. I was worried, the longer I was sick, that I would feel that way my entire pregnancy. I did not want to struggle to finish school while throwing up every day. It would make sense that now is when I stop feeling sick because I am coming out of my third trimester. I've read that by fourteen weeks, most women no longer feel sick at all.

I am very, very excited to be a mother though, even if I do end up being sick my entire pregnancy. I have already started collecting baby clothes, both in real life on and on Pinterest. Here are some of my favorites.

Thanks for listening to my rants. It's nice to finally be able to complain a little to people besides Benjamin. I do hope you know, despite how hard it's been for me, that I love being pregnant and I cannot wait until our little baby gets here. 

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