Monday, November 26, 2012

93 Million Miles from the Sun

I think I've given up on my other blog. It's been so long since I've posted on it, and even those posts were mediocre. Maybe someday I'll get back to it. But I somehow doubt that. Really.

 I really should be going to bed now, it's late (for me) and I need to get up early tomorrow. But I really loved when President Monson, in conference, about writing in his journal everyday, no matter how late it was or how early he had to get up the next morning. I love that; I want to do that too, everyday for the rest of my life. And this counts as a sort of journal, right? Besides, I'm in a big writing mood right now. And I certainly have enough thoughts to jot down here; they might be scrambled, but .. there is no shortage of them.

Some thoughts:

I think I'm getting a cold. I really, really, really, really, really do not want to get sick. I do not have time to get sick. No sir.

Dance was so awesome today. We laughed our freaking faces off danced so hard. I felt like I really gave everything I had to it and I am so exhausted. But exhausted in that good, I-accomplished-something-today way. I love dance. I love the feeling that comes when you are in the air and your legs are doing some complicated hard thing but they feel strong and you know you are flying. Flying. What a feeling.

I think I accidentally coerce people into doing things I want them to. If you have ever been one of these people, I apologize. It's just because I love you, if you are. I remember one time in the summer, I went to Ogden to go on a date with Ben. We were going to go hiking. While I was waiting for him to change, I invited his roommate Ashton to come with us. When Ben came out, he also invited Ashton to come. Ashton told him that I had already invited him, and Ben just said, "I know." When I asked how he would know that, he replied that it was because I "always did that." I was a little taken aback. I hadn't ever really realized that I did that. Ever since then, though, I've noticed it. I think sometimes, it can be a good thing, but I want to be careful that it doesn't become a bad thing either.

I reread the Hunger Games last night. It was better the first time. I still like it though. I love Peeta, I decided. I also read it faster this time around. Hmmm.

North Carolina apparently doesn't get very cold. Good news for me! But it does get humid. This will be very interesting. I don't think this whole I'm going on a mission thing has become very real to me yet. Everyone says it's exciting or asks me if I'm excited, and I am. But it really just feels unreal to me still. It has yet to sink in.

Makayla is so funny. I am so glad I get to spend so much time with her, and my family. I am so blessed.

I cannot stop listening to this song. It is so great; I love lyrics and these ones, to me, are simply beautiful.

Those are just a few of my scattered thoughts. I left out all the really confused, heavy ones for now. I feel like I have a whole lot to think about in my life right now and I just want to figure it out. But I will, eventually. And like the song says, I can always come back home.


  1. I love that you write on your blog more frequently, even though I don't... haha :)

  2. It's all thanks to you haha but really.
