Sunday, November 4, 2012

My eyes are wet; my heart is full.

That's a line from the hymn we sang today in relief society--Testimony. 137, I think. It's not as well known, but I really liked the lyrics. Especially that line. That is how I feel today. 

I love Sundays, especially fast Sundays. My ward, oh my goodness, I am so blessed. I love testimony meeting in our ward. I always come away feeling loved, feeling blessed, and feeling uplifted. I never come away from it without feeling in a million different ways that Lord is taking care of our lives. 

After church, Jon and I made brownies in our smoothie, with sugar in the raw. I love brownies. I LOVE BROWNIES. I really love them. These were so good. Not as good as the ones made out of the box, but I have yet to find a recipe that does. And these were pretty darn good. 

Before church, I started writing a novel. A novel, I recently found out, has to be 40000 words. I have 187 so far. That's okay. I'm not really daunted by it. I'm sure by the time I get my words all out on paper, there will be plenty more than necessary. It's not the quantity of words that worries me, it's the quality of those words. But, I am very determined to write this. I mean, I have started many books in my lifetime. Many, many books. I have always wanted to write. I just get frustrated with every one I start, because when I go back and read it, I realize that it's not very good. Then, it's hard to be motivated to keep writing because I feel like it's pointless. Or I'll get so many ideas and try writing them all at once that nothing finishes. But, I am determined to finish this time. I will focus right now on writing it as much as I can and THEN I can go back to edit it. The story I have chosen to write is important to me, so even if I didn't get it published, I want to finish it and that's good motivation to keep writing. I have a good quote to think about now as well. 

"Stick to your task 'till it sticks to you. 
Beginners are many. Finishers are few
Honor, power, place, and praise 
Will always come to the one that stays. 

Stick to your task 'till it sticks to you. 
Sweat at it, bend at it, smile at it too. 
For out of the bend and the sweat and the smile, 
Will come life's victories, after a while." 
-Thomas S. Monson 

Jon and I gathered up our ward for mission prep and it was awesome. I love all of the youth in our ward. I absolutely love that my calling is to help teach the 15/16-year-old Sunday school class. They may be few in number, but they're all so awesome. I do love our ward. Have I said it enough in this post for you to believe me yet? 

After mission prep, Jon and I went straight to a fireside. It was wonderful. The topic was perfect for me--all about how our lives don't always turn out the way we plan, but that we can build our lives on correct principles, and that will bring us happiness in our life, so that we don't rely on outside circumstances for that. 
At the fireside, I also got to hang out with some of my favorite people-namely Ashely. And Bakery Bryan came. He's so cool. We call him that because he works in the bakery at our work and he's friends with all of us girls at the Deli, but there's another Brian who works at Macey's as a bagger. Only, we're not really fans of that Brian as much. So. Yes. Also, a guy that I met in my institute class came, with one of his friends. It was really quite fun. 

Jon and I finished off the day by going to my grandparent's house, where my cousins also were. We are so blessed to have had the day together, and to have our family so close that we can see them so often. It's amazing to me how the Lord just pours out the blessings. 

Also, this is song is basically my favorite right now. 93 Million Miles by Jason Mraz. It's a catchy tune, but the lyrics are absolutely beautiful.


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